Fri. May 3rd, 2024

More than 30 Blair County public and private agencies participated in a drill yesterday as part of Weather Emergency Preparedness Week in Pennsylvania including the Tyrone Elementary school and other northern Blair County facilities.
“First, I want to congratulate everyone from the children and teachers to other school officials who participated in our tornado drill,” said Ellen Hull, elementary school coordinator. “After we were done I sent out an e-mail to the teachers which indicated just how extremely well it went.
“The children moved quietly and efficiently when they were told to,” Hull told The Daily Herald. “We do alert the teachers in advance but we don’t tell them exactly when the drill will occur.
“We threw a little clinker into it yesterday but by issuing two watches before a tornado warning was issued,” said Hull. “The watches were issued starting at nine yesterday morning and then the warning at 10:15 a.m. What happens is the principal comes on the loud speaker and issues a watch then the teachers explain to the children what is going to happen next.
“When a warning is issued the evacuation procedure begins with the

By Rick