Sat. May 4th, 2024

The Tyrone Hospital Development Council announced it has donated $8,000 to the Tyrone Hospital radiology department to purchase the iCADs Second Look 300 technology service.
The Second Look 300 is an advanced computer aided detection system (CAD) used for mammogram films. to help with the early detection of breast cancer.
Randy Miles, Sr., Chairman of the Tyrone Hospital Development Council, said in fiscal year 2005-2006 the Council raised $23,574. The Council achieved its goal for the year, which was to purchase a teleradiology system for the hospital’s radiology department at $6,000.
“We had some remaining funds this year, so we looked at additional options to support radiology,” said Miles. “Tyrone Hospital provides many different kinds of imaging tests that doctors order to detect and monitor disease. We thought it would be beneficial for the community to donate additional funds to this department.”
Computer–Aided Detection (CAD) is a sophisticated FDA-approved technology that helps radiologists identify characteristics that may be associated with various forms of cancer. By using iCAD patented algorithms to mark suspicious areas, CAD serves as a “second pair of eyes” and acts very much like a “spellchecker” to identify characteristics that may warrant a “Second Look” by the radiologist.
Mammogram films are scanned through the Second Look system before they are forwarded to the radiologist to read. The mammogram film is analyzed using sophisticated software, which helps to identify cancerous lesions. Terry Crouse, Director of Radiology at Tyrone Hospital said the Second Look system does not replace the radiologist reading. It merely acts as a “second opinion” for the physician. It can alert the physician to take a closer look at subtle warning signs that could not be detected easily without use of the technology.
Crouse said the iCAD technology is being adopted by more and more healthcare facilities.
“This is a very important service enhancement,” said Crouse. “It will help us spot breast cancer earlier. The sooner breast cancer is detected, the better a woman’s chances are of surviving it.”
Miles said the Development Council has some remaining funds to donate to the hospital both from this year and a previous year and will announce some additional capital equipment purchases in the near future.
The Development Council’s mission is to support the community via support of Tyrone Hospital. The Council raises funds through a variety of events each year. Miles said the Council is currently preparing for its annual golf tournament, its largest annual fund raising event.
For more information about the Tyrone Hospital Development Council, contact Randy Miles, Sr. at 684-7603.

By Rick