Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

The Tyrone Hospital Development Council announced its 6th Annual Tree of Light fund raiser generated $4,586.75.
The funds were raised through the sale of angels to memorialize or honor loved ones. The angels were displayed on Christmas trees in the hospital’s main lobby during the holiday season.
Randy Miles, Sr., Chairman of the Tyrone Hospital Development Council, said funds will be used to help pay for an upgraded hood for the hospital’s pharmacy which costs $12,000.
“The amount we raised was enough for the hospital to make a down payment on the hood,” said Miles.
The pharmacy hood creates a germ free environment, a clean room, which is required for the pharmacist to mix antibiotics, IV solutions, intravenous nutrition solutions, and other medications for hospital patients.
In 2006, the Council raised funds to purchase an orthopedic surgical drill for the hospital. The Development Council decided to adopt the pharmacy hood as an additional project when it learned the hospital needed to upgrade its equipment to comply with more stringent laws affecting hospital pharmacies. The new laws go into effect in 2007.
Tyrone Hospital is currently working on a plan to make its way out of Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
“We thought we could ease a little of the financial stress for the hospital if we could provide some funds for needed equipment. People in the community and the Tyrone Hospital family have been very generous in supporting this effort.”
Miles said if there are any groups or individuals in the community looking for a project to support, he hopes they will keep Tyrone Hospital in mind.
“We raised a nice chunk of money but $7,400 is still needed to cover the total cost of the pharmacy hood,” said Miles. “Any additional donations would be welcome.”
For more information, contact any of the following development council members: Randy Miles Sr., at 684-7603, Marcie Lewis at 684-4390 or Theresa Yanchetz in the marketing office at Tyrone Hospital at 684-6348.

By Rick