Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

At 10:30 a.m. Sunday, May 13, the 80 members of Tyrone Presbyterian Church will celebrate the 99th Anniversary of the Founding of Mother’s Day with Memories, Music, Message, and Momentos.
Tyrone Presbyterians recall the memories that accompany the celebration of Mother’s Day. Ninety-nine years ago on May 10, 1908, in The United Methodist Church of Grafton, West Virginia, Miss Anna May Jarvis led her fellow church members in the First Mother’s Day Celebration in honor of her own mother.
The mother of Anna Jarvis had worked tirelessly to improve sanitation conditions during the Civil War and to encourage neighbors to reconcile with one another, after the war between the states. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday of May as a day to display the American Flag in honor of mothers who had lost sons in war. In 1870, 44 years before President Wilson issued his proclamation, Julia Ward Howe (author of The Battle Hymn Of The Republic) had written her own Mother’s Day Peace Proclamation, calling mothers to crusade for peace and disarmament on the first Sunday of June.
In addition to their memories, Tyrone Presbyterians also recognize the music of Mother’s Day. The Music of Mother’s Day will carry local Presbyterians back more than half a century as the church organist performs Anton Dvorak’s piano solo entitled Song’s My Mother Taught Me. For many years, former Grier School art teacher, Wilson Theatre organist, and Presbyterian organist Eugene Dayton (1926-1961) presented A Vesper Piano / Organ / Voice Recital on the afternoon of Mother’s Day dedicated to his mother. Quite regularly, he featured Song’s My Mother Taught Me as a vocal solo.
In contrast to the older piano solo, the Westminster Choir will offer a newer choir anthem from 1998 entitled “A Mother Lined A Basket.” In this anthem, the choir will sing about the mothers of Moses, Samuel, and Jesus, and then remind listeners of this difficult lesson mothers must learn — “the hardest part of loving is learning to let go.”
Besides the memories and the music, Presbyterians also will hear A Mother’s Day Message by their interim preaching Pastor Reverend Mark Liller. Currently, the chaplain at Tyrone’s Epworth Manor and former pastor of Altoona’s 28th Street Church Of The Brethren, Pastor Liller will deliver a message entitled “God Comforts Us Too,” based on Chapter Fourteen of John’s Gospel. Pastor Liller’s message will offer this theme appropriate for the 99th Anniversary Of Mother’s Day: “God is like a loving parent who is ever present, ever empathizing, and ever giving us strength to overcome.” Pastor Liller will serve as interim Presbyterian preacher for the coming year. He replaced Methodist Minister Norman Huff, who had to return to his preaching obligations at Lower Spruce Creek Presbyterian Church.
During the course of this service, the audience will have the opportunity to unite their voices in singing three beloved Gospel hymns that support the theme of the minister’s message about God’s comfort to us. These hymns include Leaning On The Everlasting Arms, God Will Take Care Of You, and What A Friend We Have In Jesus.
At the close of this 99th anniversary service for Mother’s Day, the growth and spiritual enrichment committee will distribute small momentos of appreciation to all the women in the audience as a token of thanks for everyone’s efforts at nurturing children and young adults, both inside the church and outside in the community. As the 99th anniversary of Mother’s Day approaches this Sunday, May 13, why not join the 80 members of Tyrone Presbyterian Church when they celebrate this holiday with memories, music, message, and momentos?

By Rick