Wed. May 8th, 2024

Tyrone Borough Council met for its August meeting Monday evening.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jim Kilmartin, all Council Members were present except for Council Members Don Boytim and Jennifer Bryan.
It was announced that Council met in executive session prior to Monday night’s meeting to discuss personnel issues.
There was a lengthy public comment section of the meeting. Three Boy Scouts, Logan Harper, Dudley McNitt, and Dan Isenberg were present to discuss their Eagle Scout projects. Harper had recently completed his project that included adding a new bench, picnic table, and painting the existing benches at Soldier’s Park. McNitt refurbished pavilion 6 at Reservoir Park. Both boys said their projects are completed and presented photographs to council of the completed work. Council thanked them for their work and dedication to these projects. Isenberg was presenting information on his project, which is now in the planning stages.
Bob Hileman, President of the Col. Crowther Foundation was on hand to thank Council and Mayor Kilmartin for their support for their Col. Crowther Days, that was recently held at Reservoir Park.
Also present was a Tyrone resident, Warren Bywater, explaining that he is unhappy with the current situation with Burgmeier’s Hauling, calling the new solid waste ordinance “idiotic”.
Schell Run Lane residents were also present to discuss their situation on the lane near their development. They thanked the Borough for cleaning up the land and asked about the Borough’s sign on the Jake brake ordinance. Borough Manager Sharon Dannaway reported that the sign cannot be moved any further away from their development since it would be placed in Snyder Township and the Borough cannot put any of their ordinance signs in another municipality. Borough Officials suggested the residents speak with Snyder Township.
Also present was Stan Kotala from the Juniata Valley Audubon Society. He explained a long list of reasons of why their organization opposes the placement of wind turbines on Ice Mountain. He explained that it would show a total disrespect for Ice Mountain, disrupt the habitat, and that Ice Mountain was designated an important bird area by the PA Biological survey.
Snyder Township Supervisors Charlie Diehl and Bernie Sherwin were present asking Borough Officials when they could move on the purchasing of the property the Borough owns along Van Scoyoc Hollow Road. Borough Officials said they would contact Snyder Township on this issue.
Following public comment, council held a brief public hearing on a request from James and Joyce Butler and Charles Bennett. These residents reside on Park Avenue and requested council vacate an unnamed alley located between Park Avenue and Garden Alley and 3rd and 4th Streets. Council approved the ordinance, vacating this property.
Council approved the minutes from the previous meeting with no corrections.
Council Members also approved all financials and the 2006 Audit Report.
During the Borough Manager’s report, Council approved the request to order equipment from the HACH Company for the sewer treatment plant to monitor and add nutrients as needed to treat the American Eagle BOD problem.
Borough EMA Director J.R. Watson was present to discuss the options on the new sirens that will be placed in the Borough. He presented three different options. Two of the options involved keeping a manual control and one option involved placing all four current sirens and the two new ones on a receiver that will be controlled by the County 911 center. Council did not vote on this action Monday evening. It will be discussed further.
Borough Manager Sharon Dannaway asked Council Members if they were interested in becoming involved in the Junior Council Person Program. This would involve getting a student from the High School working with Council and would sit in on regular session meetings. Council liked the idea and gave Dannaway the go ahead to send for more information on the program.
It was also announced at Monday’s meeting that James Bywater was appointed Supervisor of the Tyrone Highway Department, effective August 13.
Borough Solicitor Larry Clapper asked Council for approval of Resolution 2007-05, which is for the Home Program Applicant for the state program.
Borough Engineers announced that all permits are in place for the Lincoln Avenue water main repair project.
There was no report from Code Enforcement.
Police Chief Joe Beachem asked for Council to approve the hiring of a new full-time officer to fill a vacancy on the Borough Police Force. Council approved this action.
With regret, Borough Council approved the resignation of Code Enforcement Officer Tom Lang. Council thanked Lang for his service to the Borough. Lang thanked Council and said that he enjoyed working with the Borough and that Tyrone is a “fine community”.
It was announced that the summer paving program is underway and should be completed soon.
Mayor Kilmartin and Council acknowledged everyone involved with the Park Avenue Playground Program on the success of their recent Walk-A-Thon.
Mayor Kilmartin thanked everyone who helped with the 150th Anniversary celebration.
Before adjournment, Council Members voted to reduce the number of meetings they hold each month. Beginning in September, Council will only meet on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. They will no longer meet on the first and second Mondays. Council Members and Borough Staff felt that one meeting will be slightly longer, but they can get all business completed in one meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. The next meeting of the Tyrone Borough Council will be Monday, September 10 at 7 p.m. at the Tyrone Municipal Building.

By Rick