Thu. May 2nd, 2024

The Tyrone Elks Lodge No. 212, along with the Tyrone Police Department, will host a bike rodeo tomorrow from 9 a.m. to noon at the lodge.
The Tyrone Police will be on hand in the lodge parking lot to help teach kids about the importance of bicycle safety and what the laws are regarding bicycling.
There will be cones set up and participants will be able to navigate the course while learning about the laws. There will also be games for the children, possibly resulting in prizes such as bicycle helmets.
All bicyclists need to obey the traffic laws, for example, stopping at intersections.
There is also an ordinance in Tyrone specifying that children must wear bicycle helmets, however that is not always the case and often children are seen riding without them.
One concerned resident saw this happening too often and suggested something should be done. Connie McCahan, along with Elks Exulted Ruler Maureen Sneath, met with Tyrone Police Chief Joe Beachem to discuss a solution.
The bike rodeo will hopefully make children and parents aware of the laws surrounding bicycle safety.
Not only will kids have the chance to learn and play games, it is the hope of organizers to have bikes, helmets, lights, reflectors and other accessories available for purchase the day of the event.
While the rodeo will provide a fun environment in which children can learn, one problem that remains is the cost of bicycle safety gear.
To help cover the cost, organizers ask everyone to consider making a donation. Monetary donations can be made payable to the Elks Lodge – Bike Rodeo. Or, interested individuals can purchase and donate helmets, reflectors, lights and other safety equipment.
The rodeo is designed to provide a fun environment for the kids to learn. Along with bike safety, the sponsors will also discuss the dangers of drugs.
Everyone is invited to attend. For more information, call the Elks Lodge at 684-1470.

By Rick