Sat. May 18th, 2024

Bingo forgery
On December 31, Sandra Ripani of Roaring Spring reported to state police that someone forged her name on a personal check and used it to pay for bingo at the Tipton Fire Hall in Antis Township. Investigation continues.

Paint ball mischief
State police reported on January 9 that over the night unknown actor(s) using a paint ball gun shot a residence twice on the corner of SR 865 and Hunter Rd., Antis Township. The victim, Rochelle Lafern Jock, told police that the same paint ball damaged a window. Damaged amount $100.

Dogs let loose
Over the night of January 8 and 9, Ronald Craton, 705 Oak St., Tyrone reported to state police that someone pried open a door at his house which caused his eight dogs to escape and run loose in the area.

Drove through yard
Marsha Johnson of 101 S. Tuckahoe St. in Bellwood reported to state police that someone drove through her yard over the night of January 8 and 9, damaging her lawn.

By Rick