Tue. May 21st, 2024
Tyrone Area School District students recently assisted the Rotary Club of Tyrone in raising money for their “One Million Meals” campaign to feed the hungry of central Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
Two years ago funds were raised to supply 500,000 meals to help feed people in Malawi, Nicaragua, and parts of Louisiana, USA. This year the Rotary Club of Tyrone along with the other clubs in the District are raising money in cooperation with Hunger Plus, Inc. to send 250,000 meals to various locations in West Virginia and the remaining 250,000 meals will be distributed in this District, which covers central PA and portions of Maryland and West Virginia.
The Tyrone Area School District collected $481.04 or 4,810 dimes for the cause. Students of Mr. McNitt’s Sociology class first solicited staff and students alike for coffee cans. When they had 30 cans collected they then taped the campaign information to each can before distributing them throughout the district in classrooms and offices where students, staff and visitors were able to contribute to the campaign through most of the month of March.
Student participants included: Nikki Moore, Brittany Detwiler, Liz Romano, Dustin Rudasill, Michael Haupt, Corey Barnhart and Dustin Weaver.
The Rotary Club of Tyrone will match the funds raised, forward it the Rotary Foundation, and will partner with local agencies in town to determine the best distribution method.
The cost per meal serving is approximately $.10 and this includes the shipping from Hunger Plus, Inc. to the specified destinations for the domestic locations.
The Rotary Club of Tyrone would like to sincerely thank the Tyrone Area School District for their contribution and effort toward this wonderful cause.
From left: Dustin Weaver, Nikki Moore, Dustin Rudasill, Rotarian Scott Hiller, Brittany Detwiler, Corey Barnhart and Michael Haupt.

By Rick