Tue. May 7th, 2024

Super sleuths and daring detectives are invited to join the six-week summer reading game, “Get a Clue at Your Library”, which began June 11 and will run through July 19.
Mysteries await children at Bellwood-Antis Public Library this summer where they will solve mysteries and puzzles and have their imaginations tweaked with games, storytimes, crafts, fun contests and most importantly, reading the many books available to them.
Research has shown that children who spend part of their summer reading are likely to maintain their reading skills when they return to school in the fall.
Children will have the added incentive of earning prizes for their recreational reading.
There will be special activity hours in the library on Tuesdays, June 19 and 26 and July 3, 10 and 17 at 7 p.m.
Kid’s Week will wrap up the special activities July 16 through July 19 at 7 each evening.

By Rick