Fri. May 3rd, 2024

Benninghoff petitions Rendell to declare
State of Medical Emergency
In a move to quicken the process for solving the Commonwealth’s looming health care crisis, Rep. Kerry Benninghoff (R-171) has begun circulating among his House and Senate colleagues a petition urging Gov. Edward G. Rendell to declare the Commonwealth to be in a state of medical emergency.
The petition also asks Rendell to convene a special session of the General Assembly, during which solutions to the medical malpractice insurance crisis would be drafted, debated and enacted. Signatures from the majority of members in both chambers would force Rendell to convene the special session.
The lawmaker and colleagues helping him gather signatures are planning a press conference next week to unveil legislative proposals to be considered during a special session.
Joint Resolution Would Allow Caps
on Non-Economic Damages
Rep. Paul Clymer (R-145) will soon introduce a joint resolution to change the Pennsylvania Constitution to allow limitations on non-economic damages in medical malpractice lawsuits. The Pennsylvania Constitution currently prohibits the General Assembly from enacting limits on recovery for injury to persons or property. As a result, the Legislature cannot enact caps on damages in medical malpractice cases. To amend the constitution, a joint resolution placing a referendum on the ballot must be approved in two consecutive legislative sessions. The voters must then approve the change.
New Law Will Lower Electric Rates
for Ambulance Squads
Nonprofit rescue squad and ambulance services will be able to save money on their electric bills under a new law sponsored by Rep. William F. Adolph Jr. (R-165). Under Act 203 of 2002, nonprofit rescue squads and ambulance services can elect to receive electric services at residential rates, as opposed to higher business rates, if they sign a contract of a year or more. Currently, volunteer fire companies and nonprofit senior citizen centers can elect to contract for a residential electric rate. The law takes effect on Feb. 7.

By Rick