Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

The Warriors Mark Township Board of Supervisors held their July meeting Tuesday evening at the Warriors Mark Fire Hall.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Chairman Stewart Neff at 7 p.m. All three Supervisors were present for this meeting.
There was nobody present for the public comment portion of the meeting. Since there were no public comments, Supervisors moved directly to the Solicitor’s report.
Solicitor W. Lee Oswalt reported on an amendment to the Majestic Acres development. The amendment is basically a correction to the original plans that according to Township officials were off by a few inches on a couple of the lots. This brief amendment to the developer’s agreement was signed and approved by Township officials. According to Oswalt, since it was approved and signed by Township officials, it will now be recorded.
Township Engineer Mark Haefner was present for the meeting, but had nothing specific to report this month.
Both Sewage Enforcement Officer Ralph Houck and Zoning Officer Greg Love were not present and had nothing to report this month.
Supervisor Chairman Stewart Neff reported that the Township will receive an extension until 2008 for the grant they received for park renovation plans. Neff also reported that the Township will have to submit what their use for the grant money will be.
Neff also reported that mowing and clearing of brush along Township roads has been completed for the first time this season. He said that a number of potholes have been filled along Township roads.
Also up for discussion was the issue that the Township will have to re-bid for anti-skid and stone supplies. When the Township advertised for bid the first time, they received no responses. Township officials are also planning to contact New Enterprise to get quotes from them, since New Enterprise is located in the Township.
Supervisors discussed the idea of constructing a Township building on the site of the former Warriors Mark-Franklin Elementary School that has been ongoing. Discussion centered around what type of building the Township should build. Supervisors decided to look into the types buildings that other Townships in the Blair, Centre, and Huntingdon areas have, especially ones that have recently constructed new buildings. Supervisors will then discuss further what their needs are and the type of building they will construct on this property.
The final item discussed was the ongoing issue concerning the school bus turn-around on Reese Road. Previously, Township officials asked the Tyrone Area School District if it would be possible to use a smaller bus. School District officials responded to the Township that using a smaller bus would not work and it couldn’t generate enough traction. Supervisor Mark Brown reported that a group of residents is working with owners of a property to use a 40 foot wide area off Reese Road near Spring Ridge as a new school bus turn-around area. These residents would have to maintain it or have it maintained. Township Engineer Mark Haefner said that plans would have to be submitted to him for a highway occupancy permit and other paperwork. Supervisor Stewart Neff said that the Township should assist these residents in resolving this issue.
Before the meeting adjourned, Township Supervisors approved the minutes from the June 5 meeting and the expenditures and bills for July 3, 2007.
The next meeting of the Warriors Mark Township Supervisors will be held on Tuesday, August 7 at 7 p.m. at the Warriors Mark Fire Hall.

By Rick