Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Rep. Larry O. Sather (R-Huntingdon) has moved his office within the State Capitol in Harrisburg.
Sather’s Harrisburg office is now located in Room 314 of the Main Capitol Building. He shares a suite of offices with longtime colleague and friend, Rep. Merle Phillips (R-Northumberland), the Majority Caucus Administrator.
“I could not be happier with the accommodations of my new office, and having a neighbor as personable and influential as Merle Phillips certainly makes for a great working atmosphere,” Sather said. “Merle has been a true friend since my first term in office, and working in proximity to a member of the House Republican leadership is an advantage as far as keeping abreast of the latest developments within the Caucus.”
Sather is serving his sixth term in the House, having first been elected in 1992. During the current legislative session, he has been appointed by Majority Whip Brett Feese (R-Lycoming) to serve as a Deputy Whip in the Republican Caucus.
In that capacity, Sather assists the Whip in promoting the legislative agenda within the Caucus and keeps the Whip apprised of issues or concerns that Caucus members might have.
Sather also serves on four House standing committees. He serves on the Aging and Adult Services Committee, where he chairs its Subcommittee on Programs and Benefits. He also is a member of the House Insurance Committee, the House State Government Committee, and the Veterans Affairs And Emergency Preparedness Committee.
Sather represents the 81st Legislative District, which includes the majority of Huntingdon County, a portion of Mifflin County and part of Blair County including Wards three, five and seven in Tyrone Borough, District one of Tyrone Township and District Two in Snyder Township.
According to the press release regarding his office move, the telephone and fax number for Sather will remain the same in Harrisburg. The phone number is 717-787-3335 and the fax number is 717-705-1802.

By Rick