Sun. Apr 28th, 2024

Do your numbers add up to good health?
Find out with a 36-test blood screening offered by Blair Senior Services, in cooperation with Altoona Regional Health System, on Tuesday, April 12 at the Station Medical Center, located at 9th Avenue and 17th Street in Altoona.
This screening is for adults of all ages and is designed to include tests that assist in the early detection of the leading health risks in the region. With early detection, many diseases can be treated more easily and successfully.
Most health insurances do not cover the cost of routine blood screenings, so do not miss this opportunity to register for these tests at the very modest cost of $34.
A 12-hour fast is required before the blood work, but a free breakfast will be available to those who participate. An optional prostate screening is available for men for $20.
To register for blood work, call 949-4255. Appointments start at 7 a.m.
In accordance with Pennsylvania law, be prepared at the time of registration to provide the name of a physician, or to choose a doctor to receive and interpret the test results.
For more information, contact Blair Senior Services at 946-1235.

By Rick