Sun. Apr 28th, 2024

Former Tyrone native, Lynn Richards is a probation officer at MontClair High School located in San Bernadino and bordering Los Angeles.
He has worked at the 3,000 student school district since 1999.
Richards was recently asked to speak in Washington, DC, using MontClair High School in a power point presentation as an example in ways to cut down on school truancy.
As a probation officer, his duties are to help cut down on school crime and deal with at risk kids and their families, all while working to get the students to attend school.
The first year of the program, Richards used home visits and incentives for the students to help the attendance percentage rise from 88 percent to 90 percent. In the second year, he introduced a March Madness program because he said the top of the truancy rate is around spring break.
In the third year, Richards tried to bring in both the students and family together at the school when there was a truancy problem. In the fourth year, he tried to tag and identify when a student missed a day and also tried ways to intervene. In the fifth year of the program, attendance was up to 95 percent.
Richards said the program he is working with at the high school is important because the more students are in school, the more of an education they can receive. Also, it helps the school meet attendance requirements from the state and federal government.
Over the five years of the program, the school district saw a reduction in crime in the community, reduction in arrests and reduction in probation referrals after implementing the truancy program.
He was the only probation officer asked to speak in Washington, DC.
Richards is originally from Tyrone and graduated from TAHS in 1967. Recently, he was in Tyrone visiting his family. His parents are Elmo and Caroline Richards of Tyrone, and his sister is Anita. He said he is thankful that his parents gave him a strong foundation and good faith.
He went to school at Taylor University in Indiana and received a BA degree in social science. He received his masters degree at Ball State and went into business for 10 years before becoming a probation officer.
He said the reason he got involved as a probation officer is because he saw a chance to work with kids and to see if some of his prior education would work.
Richards added that while he was a youth in Tyrone, he appreciated that area residents gave attention to the young people. He also said sports in Tyrone had a big impact on him to remain active not just as a youth, but throughout adulthood.
He said he would also like to thank Cary Simpson. Richards said Simpson gave him adult responsibilities while he was still an adolescent while Richards worked at WTRN.

By Rick