Thu. May 2nd, 2024

Last week, Tyrone Code Enforcement officer Tom Lang informed council the borough needed to contract with an outside inspection firm to support his efforts in code enforcement under the Uniform Construction Code.
Lang explained to council the borough’s current agreement with Innovative Consulting Group is ending on June 20. The borough contracted with the firm to help it deal with the code issues created when the borough decided to “opt in” to the state’s Uniform Construction Code last year.
Lang and the borough decided to contract with an outside inspector due to the possibility of an increased workload brought on by certain types of inspections required by the code.
In May, Lang reported to council he had scheduled a meeting with a firm from Somerset to discuss their proposal for code support for the borough. Lang reported to council that the company had canceled numerous meetings. He then recommended the borough consider contracting with another firm, Middle Department Inspection Agency of Wexford, for code support to the borough.
He explained the firm is currently providing other boroughs and townships in Blair County with the service. Council discussed the issue and decided to go with MIDA contingent on a review of the agreement by its solicitor. Lang also said the borough would not have to revise its fee schedules regarding its construction codes since fees charged by MIDA are “almost identical” to those charged by Innovative Consulting Group.
In his written report, Lang updated council on an issue involving property at 978-80 Pennsylvania Avenue owned by Mr. and Mrs. William Loner.
The borough had requested the owners have a survey completed to determine the location of a brick wall in violation of the borough’s maintenance property code. Loner told the borough the field survey was completed on May 27 and he was waiting for the report and map information from the surveyor. Lang told The Daily Herald as of Friday, Loner still had not received the information.
In Lang’s report, Mr. Loner said his attorney had advised him he should not continue repair work on the wall until the location of the property was determined. The repair of the wall to bring it up to code became an issue between the two parties when a question arose as to whether or not the wall was actually part of the borough’s property rather than Loner’s.
Lang noted property owner Susan Daly had secured a demolition permit and complied with a demolition order previously issued by the borough. The permit was for the removal of a two-story dilapidated garage located at the rear of 415 W. 17th Street.
Lang’s report to council said a variance request was granted to Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Phillips, owners of property at 550 Park Avenue. A hearing was held before the Tyrone Zoning Hearing Board on May 25. The owners had requested a variance from the side yard setback requirement, which will permit them to construct a roof over an existing patio area at the front of their house.
He also reported to council a hearing is scheduled before The Tyrone Hearing Board at 3 p.m. on June 16 to hear a variance request for property at 403 W. 11th Street.

By Rick