Mon. May 6th, 2024

The Tyrone Salvation Army has been open at its new location, at 908 Pennsylvania Avenue, for over a month now and according to spokesperson Bob Maser, things are picking up.
Maser said they are starting to see more and more people stop in now that they know where the Salvation Army building is located.
A special open house event will be held on Wednesday from 10 to 11:30 a.m. for the community to come out and see the new facility.
There will be coffee and muffins for visitors to enjoy, free of charge.
Maser said it will be a great time to stop by, check out the new facility and take a look at the many items available.
Currently there is a variety of items including women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, men’s dress suits, shoes, purses, belts, houseware items, stuffed animals and much more.
The Salvation Army is open Monday through Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Along with furnishing clothing and food items, the Tyrone Salvation Army also helps those in need with their household bills.
Maser said volunteers are now working closely with the Tyrone Food Bank as well.
The Tyrone Salvation Army always accepts clothing and food items. It also accepts appliances, household items, etc. There is currently a need for children’s clothing.
“We ask that you please give us good quality clothes and other items,” said Maser. “Everything given out will be free. There will be no charge, but donations will be accepted.”
Monetary contributions can be mailed to: Salvation Army Service Center, P.O. Box 142 Tyrone, PA 16686 and can also be dropped off at the 908 Pennsylvania Avenue location. The phone number is 684-1664.

By Rick