Tue. May 14th, 2024

Warriors Mark Township supervisors passed the budget for the Huntingdon County municipality on Tuesday.
The township listed assets of $761,753 as of November of this year. They listed reserved funds at $221,000 as of November with a reserve figure of $170,000 for 2007.
The township showed income for 2006 as of November at $270,770 with income proposed at $265,621 for 2007. The township listed total expenses of $363,193.43 as of November. The figure translates into a deficit of $92,423.43 so far for 2006.
The township listed expenses of $289,147 for 2007. The projected deficit was listed at $23,526 for $2007.
To date, the township had spent $50,241.05 for the services of its engineers, Keller Engineers in 2006. In 2007, projected expenses for the township engineer are listed at $25,000. The township also showed expenses of $177,719 for road construction materials as of November 2006. In 2007, that figure is listed at $125,000.
The 2007 figures for the engineering and construction materials combined are projected at approximately $77,000 less than what the township has already incurred for those two items in 2006. Of note, the difference between total expenses for 2006 as of November and total projected expenses for 2007 is just over $74,000.
In a separate move, Supervisors also agreed to take $30,000 that had already been set a side for the township’s ag easement contribution to Huntingdon County for the Sangrey property. The township had set aside $10,000 for farmland preservation in its 2007 budget to be used for a property in the future. The $30,000 had built up after the township had committed the money during the past few years but had not it had not actually been used for a specific project.
Also at Tuesday’s meeting, Chairman L. Stewart Neff noted no applications were received for the Warriors Mark Planning Commission Committee. He also updated supervisors and those attending on plans for the township park.

By Rick