Thu. May 2nd, 2024

The 2007 Community Labor Day Picnic will be held Monday, September 3 at Reservoir Park.
Things will get started at 9 a.m. when 50/50 tickets go on sale and registration for the attendance drawings and contest sign ups will begin. Three winners will be chosen during the 50/50 drawing at 4 p.m. Food booths also open at 10 a.m.
Shortly after, the children’s games are scheduled to begin near tables two and three. Games will include the balloon stomp, water balloon race, peanut scramble, hot potato contest, water race, duck race, orange race and a scavenger hunt. Age groups for the land games will be 2-4, 5-7, 8-12 and 13 and up. Rhonda and Bill Whalen are organizing this year’s games. There will also be four scooters given away. The scooters were donated by the Rotary Club of Tyrone.
The Schoch Hollow Band will perform from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Kip Woodring will perform at the Amphitheater beginning at 1 p.m.
Pool games will be directed by Christina Pryor and Amanda Golden and will be held at the outdoor pool beginning at 1 p.m. This year’s pool games will include swimming races, relay races and the popular money dive. Age groups for the pool games are 5-7, 8-12 and 13 and up.
Prize bingo will also start at table one at this time. Bingo will be broadcast by WTRN and organized by the Tyrone Elks. Prizes are being donated by area businesses, organizations and individuals.
The watermelon and pie eating contests will begin at 3 p.m. near the concession stand. Age groups include 2-4, 5-7, 8-12 and 13 and up.
There will be plenty of food throughout the day. Rotary Club of Tyrone will have chicken barbecue dinners available. The dinner includes chicken, DelGrosso Park potato salad, baked beans, roll and ice cream. Advanced tickets are on sale from any Rotarian.
At kitchen table one, Boy Scout Troop 103 will sell ham barbecue, sloppy joes, hot dogs, funnel cakes, chips and soda. Boy Scout Troop 20 will have coffee and apple dumplings. Bottled water will be available from the Cub Scouts.
Hot and mild sausage sandwiches, nachos and cheese, lemonade and iced tea will be available from the Shriners Club. The Women’s Club will have a rack rib dinner available which will include cole slaw, baked beans and a roll. They will also sell quilt raffle chances. Tickets are also on sale at BiLo.
Other booths include the Picnic committee which will sell 50/50 tickets and registration tickets and the Tyrone Fire Police will have raffle tickets for sale throughout the day.
Businesses and organizations can show their support by donating an item or gift certificate. Items could include: gift baskets, gift certificates, admission passes, any merchandise or item. Monetary donations will be used as cash prizes for children’s games and expenses.
Please contact one of the picnic committee members: Rose Black, Lloyd Patton, Connie Geraci, Deb Garner, Christina Pryor or Amanda Golden to donate an item.

By Rick