Sat. Apr 20th, 2024

Sarah Reitz
Warm weather is here and so are shorts, tank tops, sandals, and the dress code reminders. Shorts must be finger tip length, t- shirts must be long enough that the stomach is not exposed, and sandals are permitted as long as they are not flip flops. However, day after day students break these dress codes. Flip flops are worn, shorts are way too short, and bellies stick out everywhere.
“[Dress code violations] are a distraction. It’s mostly females. If people would just follow what’s in the handbook we would have no problems. I’m sick and tired of seeing bellies!” Mr. Butler said.
Mr. Bulter also said that he gets complaints very often.
“We’re not enforcing anything new. We are discussing some new things because we’re becoming frustrated with students trying to skirt the system.”
One of the changes the administration is considering is that shirts for girls must have sleeves because guys are not permitted to wear muscle shirts. Because some girls wear low cut shirts, the school may start enforcing the “yard stick rule.” This rule is enforced (Continued to page 2)
Dress Codes (Cont. from pg. 1)
by placing a yard stick from armpit to armpit on your chest and if the yardstick is above the top of your shirt, the shirt is inappropriate.
“We are considering going to the board and asking about uniforms. We’re only considering that,” Mr. Butler said.
Mrs. Erb, the high school principal, also commented on the dress codes. “We’re still in the process of deciding. We’ve met with student council members.”
Mrs. Erb believes that the dress code revisions are necessary “so that we can promote an orderly environment for learning. We don’t want distractions. Teachers have been concerned about students’ attire.”
She also added that teachers also are forced to follow a dress code. However, on designated days they can dress down, but they must pay two dollars, this money goes to charity.
Students are knowledgeable of these revisions and have their opinions.
Courtney Russell, a ninth grade student said, “I really don’t care what other people wear. I don’t think it’s fair; I think that students should be allowed to wear anything they want.”
Philip Pellegrini, a ninth grade student said, “Yes, we should have school uniforms.” When asked if he had ever noticed inappropriate clothing on fellow classmates, Phillip said, “Yes, every week at least once.”
Whether students agree or disagree with the dress code, these codes are enforced and aren’t going anywhere. Time will tell if the 2003-2004 school year may be a new year of dress codes, or even hold the possibility of uniforms.

By Rick