Sat. Apr 20th, 2024

Breast cancer literally kills thousands of American women each year.
Being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Dr. Thomas O’Brien’s Women’s Health Center at 3 Hospital Drive in Tyrone has scheduled a free seminar designed to both raise awareness for the deadly disease, as well as provide important health-related information for preventing it.
“You’re never too young to be aware of the dangers of breast cancer,” said Robin Garman, representing Dr. O’Brien’s office. “This program on Tuesday will give women an opportunity to hear a professional speak about breast cancer and provide a forum for asking pertinent questions. It’s also a good way to get the community more involved about breast cancer awareness.”
Garman said the guest speaker at the seminar will be Dr. Albert Tuono, from the American Cancer Center and a general surgeon. Also, there will be door prizes, light refreshments and literature available. Garman also said pink ribbons, which are used to raise awareness for breast cancer, will be available.
The seminar begins at 7 p.m. in the Tyrone Hospital Classroom.
In addition, Tyrone Hospital and its affiliated medical staff want to remind area women of the services it provides to help with the early detection of breast cancer.
According to the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month program, since the awareness month was established in 1985, mammography rates have more than doubled for women age 50 and older (from 25 percent in 1987 to 69 percent in 1998) and breast cancer deaths have declined by 1.6 percent between 1989 and 1995.
This is exciting progress, but there are still women who do not take advantage of early detection at all and others who do not get screening mammograms and clinical breast exams at regular intervals. The American Cancer Society (ACS) unequivocally states that mammography is still the single most important tool in the fight against breast cancer. And, ACS strongly urges women to continue to get mammograms as a primary part of an overall breast health strategy.
“Women should make breast health a priority,” said Thomas O’Brien, M.D., board certified obstetrician & gynecologist at Women’s Health Center of Tyrone.
“We want to encourage women to see their doctor, have their mammograms, and do regular breast self exams. Women should think of each and every day as breast cancer awareness day.”
Women can access physician care as well as screening and diagnostic mammography and breast sonograms through Tyrone Hospital. The hospital and some members of its medical staff are also participating providers in programs that offer free mammograms to women who meet eligibility requirements.
One such program is the American Cancer Society’s Mammogram Voucher Program, also known as the MVP. The MVP, provides free mammograms and follow-up diagnostic services to medically underinsured and uninsured women in Central Pennsylvania. Tyrone Hospital provides screening and diagnostic mammograms and breast sonograms through this program.
“There are a few eligibility requirements that women must meet-mainly, a woman must be uninsured, underinsured, or simply unable to pay because it would create a financial hardship,” said Kristin Davis, Community Outreach Coordinator for the American Cancer Society’s Central Pennsylvania Region.
Eligibility requirements include:
•Have no insurance and would create a financial hardship to pay, or
•Are unemployed and without medical assistance that covers
mammograms, or
•Are under age 35 and symptomatic or have a close relative (mother, sister, daughter) diagnosed as having premenopausal breast cancer, or
•Are age 35 and over without insurance coverage for annual screening mammograms and cannot otherwise afford mammograms, particularly if there is a risk factor for breast cancer.
•Must reside in Central Pennsylvania.
For more information women should call the Mammogram Voucher Program toll free number to find out if they qualify at 1-888-MVP (687) – 0505.
In addition, the Women’s Health Center of Tyrone and Tyrone
Hospital are participating providers in the Pennsylvania’s HealthyWoman program. This program provides screening services for mammograms, clinical breast exams, and other women’s health services at no cost. Women may be eligible for this program if they are of low or moderate income or have limited or no health insurance.
The HealthyWoman program also covers additional testing and treatment that may be needed if abnormalities are detected. For more information about the HealthyWoman program contact the Women’s Health Center of Tyrone at (814) 684-363 toll free at 1-888-437-4329.

By Rick